This was the dessert table. I covered our buffet with a tablecloth and those little LED trees you see were made from LED branches bought at 60% off stuck into floral foam and put in a Jack o' lantern box from the Target dollar spot.
This cake was a Pinterest inspiration and you can find all of the how-to's here: It's so good and super easy too.
Cupcakes, with black and orange swirled icing.
A dessert tray. This is one of Julee and I's secret weapons when it comes to party planning; don't be afraid to supplement a couple of homemade goods with some store bought goodies. It still looks and tastes good and you don't have to kill yourself in the kitchen.
My MIL made these jack o' lantern cuties for the party. Just a permanent marker on a cutie. Since you peel of the outer part it's safe.
It's not a D.I.Y. Louisville party if there aren't paper straws!
Store bought caramel apples and sprinkle apples.
Another view of the dessert table.
Some decor. The "Spooky" banner was bought from the Target dollar spot. The tissue paper fan "chandelier" is something I do at a lot of parties, I just tie together a bunch of paper fans, lanterns, and pom poms with fishing line and hang them from my ceiling. The goody bags are a combo of Martha Stewart and Oriental Trading, all of the items in the bags are from Oriental Trading.
Food was "walking tacos"; We put out little bags of Frito's, my vegetarian chili and lots of toppings.
Once again it was a great, fun party this year. We painted faces, put feathers in the kids hair, enjoyed a bonfire and lots of good food and company. Thanks for stopping by!