Like everyone else right now, I am obsessed with all things pumpkin spice. I have seen several do-it-yourself creamer recipes floating around, so I decided to try my hand at making my own. I pulled from several different recipes to create a dairy-free version that tastes heavenly. Seriously, so delicious I almost skipped the coffee and drank the creamer straight-up. Want to try it?
Dairy-Free Pumpkin Spice Coffee Creamer
1-Can Coconut Milk (Not the kind that comes in a carton.)
1/2-Cup Pure Pumpkin Puree
1/3-Cup Organic Cane Sugar (Organic cane sugar is not as sweet as refined white sugar, so adjust or alter your sweetener to your tastes.)
2-tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice
1-tsp Vanilla Extract
Whisk together the coconut milk, pumpkin, sugar, and pumpkin pie spice over low heat. Remove from heat when the mixture begins to steam. Add in the vanilla extract. Strain through strainer or cheesecloth into a glass bottle. Refrigerate up to 5 days.
I highly recommend not skipping the straining step. I portioned my batch off into strained and unstrained to see what I liked best, and the unstrained portion was too thick after refrigerating and didn’t do well in my coffee the next day. Also, this is not going to give you a super creamy creamer if you’re used to using heavy dairy/cream, but it’s a yummy alternative nonetheless. Use Kim’s method of freezing your remaining pumpkin puree.
Have you ever tried to make your own flavored coffee creamer? What flavors did you make? I’d like to try some different flavors as soon as this pumpkin craze dies down. Which will probably be January when I’m wishing for spring.