Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Derby Hats: Workshop Recap


While the rest of the country might be going about their business as usual, it’s Kentucky Derby week here in Louisville.  This is pretty much our excuse to stretch out the most exciting two minutes in sports into a city-wide two week celebration.  When you celebrate the horses in these parts, a lady has two choices in headwear attire:  go big, or go home. 

This week D.I.Y. Louisville joined with Craft E Magee to host our first ever Derby Hat Workshop.  Getting together with a wonderful group of ladies and piecing together big, fancy hats and fascinators should be tops on any Derby lover’s list.


I love that each of these headpieces has their maker’s personality. 

The workshop was a lot of fun;  We made new friends, ate delicious cupcakes, and laughed our way through deciding which way to turn our feathers and at what point too many accessories became too much.  (Never too much, in Kim’s opinion!)

derbyhat7 derbyhat8derbyhat9 derbyhat10

If you weren’t able to attend our workshop but would like to know how to make your own Derby hat, Craft E Magee has very generously made a video tutorial showing all of the pieces you need, along with steps and tips to add accent pieces and build your hat. 

A big thanks to our friend Liz (Craft E Magee) and all of the ladies who joined our workshop!

~julee~ & -kim