For our Christmas gift this year, my aunt treated my daughter and me to a ride on The Polar Express. You guys! This was so much fun! I’m not sure which of us loved it the most.
The kiddo was dressed all snuggly in her pj’s. She was a little disappointed that I wouldn’t venture out in my nighty, but I kept affectionately calling my jeggings pajama jeans. Heh. The train ride was a complete ride o’ fun. We met our favorite movie characters, followed along with the book while the conductor read the story, and had the cutest little elves ever sing and dance and deliver hot chocolate and cookies. When our train reached the North Pole, Santa himself climbed on board and gave bells to all the children who believed in the magic of Christmas.
This was such a fun little production. If you have a Polar Express fan in your life, they host this in many areas and you can check out the official website to see if there is one in your area:
That’s the way things happen on the Polar Express!