Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Donut Sleepover Party–Sneak Peek

Donut Sleepover Party - Part I


About six months ago, my daughter said, “I want to have a birthday party with treats that you never let me have.  Sprite!  No, DONUTS!”  She had no idea that donuts are the new cupcake, and I do occasionally let her have both Sprite and donuts, I’mnotthatmeanthankyouverymuchchild.  She picked blue and orange based on the color of nail polish she was wearing that day, and I ran with it. 

Maybe we’ll do a Sprite party next year.

The party came together from her original plans:


Having a party for an eight year old is very different than having a party for, say, a seven year old, in that in the past year my daughter has become very opinionated and has wanted to exert control over more things.  Party planning, for example.  Which is a fine part of getting older, I suppose, except that her ideas aren’t as cohesive as mine, and I am might be a little bit of a control freak, too. 

See that flower sticker up there in the Party! banner picture?  The flower that doesn’t belong anywhere near a blue and orange themed no-other-flowers-here donut party?  Yeah, she insisted, and I picked my battles, and seeing it there in the picture now drives me a little crazy.  Which really, was probably her intention, but I digress and will just get on with the rest of party details - both the perfect and not-nearly-quite-as-perfect-but-I’m-still-training-her details.


I didn’t want a full-blown dessert table.  I was keeping seven girls all night and thought I should perhaps ration the sugar.  Do-it-yourself donuts, cupcakes, and a few candies - simple.

So I must tell you, I’m surprised I got a picture of this table at all, frazzled as I was.  Because I had a slight catastrophe.  Because my tiered platter (that you don’t see) holding the cupcakes broke as I was carrying it out and I dropped them all.  All.  In the grass.  With the dog at my heels.  With the dog that loved scarfing blue and orange cupcakes with the wrapper still attached as fast as she could get them down her tiny little gullet.  And the kids were screaming, “She’s eating the paper!!!!!!!!!”  And I’m standing holding the top piece of the platter wondering what the hell just happened, and how can one little dog eat cupcakes so fast, as my best buddy scooped down and removed the dog from the wreckage and salvaged as many cupcakes as she could.


So if you care enough to have read all of this nonsense, I’ll tell you that what you see up in the picture there is the best remains of a picture perfect desert table gone to the dog.  Just imagine a really cute 3-tiered dessert platter there on the left side of the table holding blue and orange cupcakes with donut toppers, if you will.  If I had dropped the mini donuts instead, all you would see would be me sitting on the dessert table crying.  I know we’re all glad that didn’t happen.

I loved this party and I can’t wait to share more pictures and details tomorrow!
