These really should be called Super Crazy Easy Awesome Black Bean Burgers, ‘cause that’s what they are.
I admit, we eat way too many of the boxed veggie burgers because they are a major convenience. But I’m trying hard to limit our processed soy consumption, so we have been whipping up these yummy black bean burger bad boys at least once a week. They come together in minutes, are made with items you probably already have on hand, and cost only a fraction of the prepackaged variety. That’s a triple win in my book.
The original recipe comes from The Happy Herbivore, which you can find HERE. She even has a video, in case you’re frightened of the kitchen, like me. Click on over and check it out (and look for many other great recipes while you’re over there).
What I love about this recipe is that you can adjust the ingredients fairly easily based on what you have in your kitchen. We have found a variation from the original recipe that suits our tastes better, as we found the original too mustard-y for my picky kid. Here is the adapted recipe that works for my family’s tastes:
1 can black beans, drained but not rinsed, 3/4 smashed with a fork
2 tbsp ketchup
2 tbsp dijon mustard
1-2 dashes of hot sauce
1tsp garlic powder
1tsp onion powder
Fresh diced onions (no measurement, just a pinch, or not too many that my daughter can see them and refuse to eat)
1/3 cup instant oats (I use thick steel cut oats whirled through the food processor a bit)
Mix it all together. Divide into 4 patties. Cook at 400-degrees on a greased cookie sheet. 7 minutes on one side, flip, then 7 minutes on the other side. I like to melt cheese on mine, but eliminate that if you’re vegan, obviously.