Friday, June 29, 2012
D.I.Y. Graduation Gift Basket
Okay, so it’s not really a basket per say. It’s a bag, but you get the idea. I always struggle with graduation gifts. I realize that most grads just want a handful of cash and that’s usually the route I go. It’ shard for me though because I’m a gift giver. I always put a ridiculous amount of thought into the gifts I give, so cash always feels like I’m missing out. I really do enjoy the process of thinking of a gift for someone and going out and finding it. I especially love putting together baskets, kits or themed gifts. So this time I just decided to skip the cash and do what I wanted. I put together a little “going to college” gift set. I knew the college that the grad was planning to attend so I used the school colors as a jumping off point. I picked up an insulated lunch bag to contain the gift and added a reusable tumbler with the name of her collage. Those were the two big items and the more expensive ones. Everything else was picked up at the dollar store or grocery, I added school supplies which included: a notebook, pens, sharpie, pencils and erasers all in the color scheme. Next I threw in a few snacks including: gum, Twizzlers and individual drink mixes. I stuck some tissue in the bottom of the bag to prop everything up and snuggled all of the items into the lunch bag. I printed out a cute gift tag and tied it on with some black ribbon. I think this gift would be great for grads, teachers, a new job or you could swap out the school supplies and make it appropriate for just about any occasion.