I am so excited to share with you our latest artist feature. Suzanne from Studio 212 joined our D.I.Y. Louisville craft group last month, and she is every bit as colorful as the glass baubles she uses in her art. Please continue reading about Suzanne and the beautiful art she creates:
Studio 212 is an interesting name. What does it mean?
The space number of my studio at the Mellwood Art Center is 212. I wanted to start a blog and a Facebook page for my friends so that they could keep up with the projects I was working on. The simplistic name Studio 212 was born.
Tell us about yourself.
I was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I moved to Louisville approximately 4 years ago. I opened Studio 212 last fall. I love having a space to call my own and a place to spread out my items and create.
I’m inspired most by colors, texture, pictures and sound. The only way I can explain it is, when I see something that catches my eye or touches my inner artist voice, I have to find a way to recreate my own version of it. Music invokes my emotions. Most often it will be playing as I create. It can be today’s top 40, a “classic” from the 80’s or the standards of Frank Sinatra.
My other interests painted with a broad stroke would include museums, culinary arts, food art, animals, New York City, estate sales, and flea markets. Pretty much anything I see on a daily basis that strikes “that feeling” in my soul.
What type of art do you make?
Since I opened Studio 212, my creativeness is flowing through glass beads. The colors, shapes and textures inspire me to create my signature appetizer and drink picks, wine stoppers, bottle openers and pens. I’ve also recently designed coasters and magnets!
Aside of the above, sketching and drawing relaxes me. I have sketches from childhood and sketches I found that I did 10 years ago. I enjoy looking through magazines and books for inspiration.
I have some experience in making greeting cards as well. I found through mixing the textures, colors and layers of papers it gives me a release of imagination and a way to share my passions with others. The idea of sending a card is lost in today’s society. I’d like to think I’m rekindling the love of receiving a handmade note.
How long have you been making this type of art?
I can’t remember when I began to create art in general, but I’m sure it was as a child. My imagination started there and has developed over the course of 40 years. My signature appetizer and drink picks started in 2005 while I was still living in Wisconsin. People really appreciate them and usually want to give them as gifts.
What makes you D.I.Y.?
Having the satisfaction of creating something unusual and unique with my own imagination and hands. There’s a certain feeling that I get when I concept an idea and people like it and want it.
How does your business impact Louisville?
I'd like to think that I add something new and innovative to Mellwood Art Center and Louisville. I offer something different that people haven’t seen and are curious to learn about.
What are you currently working on?
I’m currently working with watercolor and acrylics. I’d like to learn to draw. I admire those who can draw with their minds. I’m also interested in pottery and photography.
What are your long term goals?
I’m currently focusing on the here and now. I think it’s important to indulge myself in Studio 212 and evolve in any creative direction that my mood takes me. Long term.... it would be amazing for Crate and Barrel or William Sonoma to select my signature appetizer and drink picks for their next catalog!
What is your favorite thing about running your business?
Having freedom and creative license and knowing that a piece of my art is in someone's home and is being admired.
What is the most challenging aspect of your work?
Trying to find the balance between something I love to create and something someone would want to own.
Do you have any advice for aspiring artists/business owners?
Find something you might like to do, whether it is painting, sewing, and photography, drawing or cooking and just try it. Don't be fearful. There is no right or wrong. Take risks. Be confident in yourself. Find things that inspire you and submerge yourself in them. One thing leads to another. Be open minded enough to walk the path of the unknown.
Where can folks find Studio 212 business products?
Mellwood Art Center
1860 Mellwood Ave. Building A Studio 212
Louisville, KY, 40206
Hours may vary so please feel free to call 502-439-4796 if you would like to stop by.
Where can we keep up-to-date on Studio 212?